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Rose Longo
About / Bio
For several years Rose has coordinated strategic planning processes in various organizations, supporting executive officers in formulating their strategic proposals and helping them to monitor their projects and programs. Rose has a different experience in strategic diagnostics and an expanded and consistent vision of scenarios. Rose is used to coordinate high-performance teams, always focusing on results and commitment to corporate objectives and believes in sharing experiences and collective construction of knowledge.

Leader of International Projects. Consultant to the United Nations in Africa. For the past thirty years Rose has been acting as an organizational consultant for different private and public organizations, helping them to establish their strategic planning and their knowledge
management processes.

Rose has also been lecturing post-graduate courses (always focused on planning and strategic management, organizational change, complexity management and knowledge management) at the following Universities: FGV; BSP; FIAP and SENAC.

Author of the Knowledge Management course broadcasted by FGV Online.

Latest Publications:
LONGO, R.M.J. Gestão do conhecimento: a mudança dos paradigmas empresariais do século 21. São Paulo: Ed. SENAC, 2014. 265p.
LONGO, R. M. J. A importância do conhecimento e do profissional da informação para a estratégia corporativa num contexto de complexidade. In: Leonardo Fernandes Souto. (Org.). Gestão da informação e do conhecimento: práticas e reflexões. Rio de Janeiro: Interciência, 2013, v., p. 153-172.
LONGO, R. M. J. A aplicação do ciclo de conversão do conhecimento na gestão de projetos. In: Treff, Lilian;Battistella, Linamara Rizzo. (Org.). Inovação em gestão de projetos na administração pública. Rio de Janeiro: Brasport, 2013, v., p. 79-98.
Certified in Knowledge Management (CKM) by KM Institute. PhD in Technology Transfer at the University of Sheffield, England; Master of Library Services by Dalhousie University Halifax, Canada.