So let’s get started with KNOWLEDGER Module 1. (We recommend that you first print this page.)

At Knowledge Associates we have designed a series of 16 on-line learning modules, linked to an integrated cloud based knowledge platform from Google, to provide ways to increase the meaning and productivity of knowledge working, manage your knowledge assets, unleash creativity and better manage innovation, for individuals, teams, entire organizations, and communities.

Below is a high level diagram of KNOWLEDGER complete. The Big Picture!

Don’t worry at all if you don’t understand what it means at this stage.

All will be revealed, step by step, as you progress.

What is important, at this starting stage, is to know that there are three foundational pillars to effective knowledge working with KNOWLEDGER:




By working with knowledge tools that can now better combine what we have to do, with what we are learning whilst doing, and any emerging ideas and insights, all within one knowledge tool, we can do remarkable things!

It is very important to realise that knowledge workers do not work on tasks and then, maybe ideas, and then maybe new learnings, separately. Knowledge workers do not do all their work at a desk with a personal computer. Knowledge working involves instantly switching between tasks, learnings and ideas all the time, anytime and anyplace. The first module of the KNOWLEDGER system provides this one tool to capture and manage our knowledge driven tasks, learning’s, ideas and insights using a smart mobile phone, a tablet, a laptop computer or office personal desktop computer. This is Step 1 of a nine step knowledge driven process for effective knowledge asset management.

We will teach you to implement this nine step process over the next few modules. With this nine step process, we can develop, measure our progress, and achieve extraordinary results, and that is what KNOWLEDGER aims to do.

At Knowledge Associates, our aim is to progressively help individuals, teams, organisations and communities to develop their knowledge, skills and mindset, from novice to knowledge working mastery!


When you have logged on to KNOWLEDGER you will be presented with the following screen:

You can now quickly capture basic information about new tasks that need to be performed, or new learnings to develop into competencies, or new ideas to turn into new innovative products and services, or even new knowledge assets!

Let’s look first at what we mean by knowledge assets


(Editors note: This section has just been completely improved and redesigned by managing knowledge assets using blockchain technologies. It will be re-launched in November 2017.

You can return to this section later, or send us a comment below, and we will automatically notify you when knowledge assets using blockchain technologies is relaunched).


We will first review simple TASKS in the context of effective knowledge working.

By TASKS we mean ‘doing things’ in our work, to get things done.

Some people call these tasks, others may call them actions or activities or something else.

Often people say to us ‘Why are we starting with something as simple as task management? There are hundreds of very good simple task management and sophisticated project management systems and apps available?

The answer is that we wish to develop your skills to the stage of working effectively with ‘knowledge driven tasks’, and most systems and apps today do not consider this ‘knowledge driven’ aspect as we do, leading eventually to effective knowledge asset management.

Of course, many knowledge workers do manage their tasks well, and if this is your case we will progress rapidly to ‘knowledge driven’. So ask yourself which of the six levels of task management below are you truly at today:

  1. What to do – keeping and updating a simple list of tasks to do
  2. What to do next – regularly prioritising tasks by deadline date to complete, and/or priority code (eg A = Do Today, A1 = Do First Today/Do Now)
  3. What to do with more meaning – categorising tasks into more meaningful work/private sections
  4. Why to do – linking/aligning tasks to specific goals/objectives
  5. Why to do next – identifying and performing specific goal/linked tasks that will make the biggest difference (strategic tasks) to achieving your objectives.
  6. How best to do – leveraging the world’s best knowledge available to perform the most important tasks, that will make the biggest difference, as well as possible (knowledge driven tasks)

So there is a very big difference between ordinary task management systems and tools and strategic, knowledge driven tasks management systems and tools. It’s the difference between being very ‘proactive’ and being just ‘reactive’ in our work and results.

If you combine all these levels of task management, especially when you achieve levels 5 and 6 above, you will achieve extraordinary results! This is effective knowledge management and we will teach you and provide you with the tools. Through the KNOWLEDGER Platform and your chosen mobile device(s), you will then combine knowledge driven tasks with effective learning management (human and machine learning), knowledge competencies development, and great ideas generation and innovation.

This is effective knowledge working!

But we must first ensure that you are working with knowledge driven tasks by starting with very basic and simple task management and developing you though the 6 above levels as quickly as possible.


In our knowledge work, doing things may be primarily physical, like ‘drive to the airport to collect Mrs Smith’, or primarily mental, like ‘research block chain technologies’ etc. Of course, all work normally involves both in different combinations and degrees, like ‘writing the report and recommendations’ for ABC Corporation involves some writing and some thinking etc. But the key point is that, in our knowledge work, we have to do things, we have to get things done.

KNOWLEDGER will take you through the process of managing simple tasks, prioritising them, categorising them, focusing them on goals/objectives, and, at a later stage, turning your key tasks into strategic and knowledge driven tasks!

In KNOWLEDGER, we will soon provide you with the simple ability to change most descriptions to your preferred descriptions and language used, but for now please accept TASKS as the description to do things. (If this is difficult or not possible, please let us know).

KNOWLEDGER has to start to learn about you, strictly confidentially. KNOWLEDGER needs to know what tasks or activities you have to perform, by when, by type, and priority etc.

You can start to teach KNOWLEDGER, and manage your tasks as follow:

1. Make a simple list of the key tasks you wish to manage in KNOWLEDGER (if you wish, on paper first)

2. Enter them in KNOWLEDGER, as and when convenient, by selecting TASKS and then the + (on the top right of the screen)

3. You can enter just the TASK description only, if you wish, and/or add/EDIT at a later date the deadline date, priority code and category of task. Then SAVE the TASK.

4. Return to the previous page. You will see a simple view of Tasks.

5. When you add a ‘deadline date’ to complete the task, you can select the view by DEADLINE (selected from the bottom of the screen)

6. When you add a ‘priority code’ you can select a view by PRIORITY and , especially, DO NOW.


Of course, you can prioritise tasks as you wish, and you can enter the priority code that is most meaningful to you.

However, if you wish to use the ‘DO NOW’ view, it is achieved by KNOWLEDGER presenting only ‘A1’ tasks to you.

Here is a suggestion for how you may prioritise your tasks and view DO NOW.

First of all, give each task a priority letter, as you wish, but at least using A as follows:

A – Do Today

B – Do in the next 24/48 hours

C – Do this week

D – Do in the next few weeks

E – Do this month

F – Do this Quarter

G – Do within 6 months

H – Do this year

Then in the DO NOW view it will list all the ‘A’ tasks to do today.

Then prioritise these A tasks by adding a number to each task you wish, as follows:

A1 – the most important/urgent of all, to DO NOW or as soon as possible

A2-9 – lesser degrees of important/urgent to do today

Then in the Do NOW view will appear ‘DO NOW’ (only A1 tasks)

FOCUS on doing the A1 Tasks !!


Categorised Task Management, if required, is achieved by

Entering the Category view

Building a list of categories by selecting the + and adding a category description

Editing the Task to select from the Category list


When the task is completed, tick the ‘Completed’ box


We highly value, and depend on, your feedback. Especially any bugs, feature requests, and general feedback on user interface and design, usability and usefulness.

You can submit your feedback within KNOWLEDGER as follows:

  1. Select the = menu in the top left of the screen.
  2. Select Feedback -> Manage Feedback (Don’t worry about all the other menu’s at this stage)
  3. Select Feedback Type
  4. Enter Feedback in the Comments, (which then goes instantly to the KNOWLEDGER Development Team)


As soon as your confidential KNOWLEDGER has started to learn a little about your Task Streams (the types, frequencies, priorities, deadlines and completing of your tasks), it will contact you to introduce the next steps which are to introduce the basics of also capturing your new learning’s (Module 2) and new ideas and insights (Module 3).

Once you have achieved entering the basics for tasks, learnings and ides, we will introduce the more advanced features that lead to achieving extraordinary results.

Don’t hesitate to contact us, or the Global KNOWLEDGER Community if we can help more in any way.

Good luck with KNOWLEDGER and Module 1!


“The global knowledge economy is the fastest growing economy today. Those individuals, teams, organisations, communities and nations, that manage their knowledge assets wisely, will dominate the 21st Century”

Ron Young, Knowledge Associates International


The aim of the KNOWLEDGER learning modules is to make a ‘big difference’ to helping you achieving your personal and organisational results. Extraordinary results require an extraordinary mindset, extraordinary methods, and extraordinary teaching tools.

KNOWLEDGER will change the way you think, and teach the new and better way for you to work, in an increasingly mobile, knowledge driven, and inter-connected web world.


As an individual, team, or entire organisation, you can get started with KNOWLEDGER learning modules now!

We provide you with the first learning module so that you may start to evaluate the value that the KNOWLEDGER platform can bring to you. Once you have mastered this, you can be provided with further learning modules at your own pace.

At the heart of KNOWLEDGER platform and learning modules is a new 21st Century learning pedagogy:

  • Human and machine intelligence working together
  • An analytics engine
  • Knowledge bases, that are continually improved, with how to best achieve results and manage knowledge as a knowledge worker
  • A recommendation engine, which is your intelligent learning assistant to individually coach and mentor you (myKNOWLEDGER)
  • A knowledge platform from Google for ‘in-cloud’ or corporate ‘in-house, just in time, on demand’ learning and effective knowledge working
  • 24/7 global support services