Our Vision


We live in a world today where, increasingly, billions of people are becoming more highly interconnected, and working, more and more, together ‘as one’ through the global web and with wireless mobile tools. (September 2020, 4.8 Billion internet users).

As a result of this, people now have ‘the potential’ to better communicate, cooperate, collaborate, co-learn, create new knowledge, co-create the best possible solutions to problems, and develop new innovative opportunities, much faster than ever before. We now have the potential to improve the quality of all our lives and provide increased income and wealth for all, across the planet.

There are massive opportunities for new economic growth within new creative and knowledge intensive industries, new knowledge driven job creation, new income and new wealth opportunities through effective knowledge working in an increasingly global knowledge economy.

This can be achieved by better understanding and implementing the best principles for effective collaboration and co-creation, information and knowledge management, knowledge asset management, and innovation.

We teach new ways for effective knowledge working, new knowledge driven strategies, competencies and skills; new knowledge platforms and new knowledge processes, methods, techniques and tools.

That is the Knowledge Associates International vision and commitment 



Knowledge Associates are a rapidly growing global group of educators, consultants and practitioners who wish to share and teach this new vision and paradigm of a rapidly growing and prosperous global knowledge and innovation driven society.

Our primary mission and purpose is to help as many individuals, teams and entire organisations as we possibly can, to achieve successful knowledge driven results.


1. We practice and demonstrate what we preach
2. We teach from our intellectual knowledge, but even more so, from our extensive collective and experiential knowledge.
3. We highly value helping our clients achieve extraordinary and successful results.
4. We only undertake win / win business transactions, and win / win partnering through effective collaboration and co-creation with our clients, customers and stakeholders.
5. We strive to build highly trusting relationships through having client and customers best interests first, and at heart at all times, and through delivering products and services with extraordinary competence.
6. We highly value, and fully contract to, ensuring the confidentiality of our clients and their information at all times
7. We practice world class strategic competence development,  knowledge leadership and management, at all levels
8. We practice continuous collaboration, co-creation, knowledge and innovation management  to be able to continuously innovate, continually improve  our quality of products and services, effectively manage our time and relationships, and strive to make wiser decisions

Ron Young
Knowledge Associates International